Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I wanted to post my latest picture. My friend Jody took this picture of me on Tues. July 22nd. I have now lost since the surgery 104 lbs. and since Oct. 142 lbs. I feel great and even finally had a hamburger the other night. I grilled outside and then toasted my hamburger bun. I ate half and it tasted so good.

I have been experimenting with some recipes that I have gotten off the internet. They have been really tasty.

I also took a long walk the other night. For those that know where I live, I went around the entire block. From my house down to Palmetto around to Blake back to Dominion and onto Encino and then to my street. I did it in about 20 minutes. I was tired but it felt good to go that far. I have also been doing some wall push-ups. Since the hurricane it has been too hot to go ride the exercise bike, now that all is calmed down I will start doing that again.

We survived the hurricane with a minimum of damage. We had part of the fence blow down as you can see in the pictures. The streets looked like a lake. We had a little water that seeped into the master bath and onto the carpet in the bedroom but not really bad. I vacuumed it up with a wet vac. We did lose phone and internet and just got them back on this evening. I so missed not being able to get on the internet.

So that is all my rambling.

1 comment:

Michelle and Jack said...

Happy to hear your good news...and that you all are okay. You've been in our thoughts with the bad weather.