Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th

Big news, I went to visit Jennifer at the end of June and didn't have to buy TWO seats on the airplane, plus I was able to buckle the seat belt on two of the planes I was on. Don't understand why the other two belts were so short, even the flight attendant didn't understand why, she said that other passengers had said the same thing.
Back to Jen. We had a great visit. I even got a pedicure. We went shopping and got the ivory satin for the ring bearers pillow, and yarn to make some favor bags for the tables at the reception. Jen's soon to be mother-in-law,myself and Jen are crocheting them. Oh yeah I also got to meet Dan's parents and the rest of his family. They are all so nice. Had a good time at his parents house. They had a bar-b-que, it rained a little but then it cleared up. I wish I had gotten a picture of his parents together, just snapped pictures.
We went to church on Sunday at the church they are going to get married at. It is beautiful. After church we went and saw the reception hall and went across the street and made our reservations for the 31st and 1st. I believe we got a lot accomplished in such a short time.
We went back to George's mom's Sunday afternoon and had a get-to-together with his side of the family. Everyone was amazed by my weight loss. I am glad to say that I didn't gain anything while gone. I stayed the same, even though I had pizza twice, but only ate 1 small slice when we went to Fox's and had 2 small slices and a mozzarella stick the second time.
I have found that my hair is still falling out some. I have started drinking more of the protein shakes. I have discovered that if I mix the vanilla powder with my french vanilla cappuccino mix it doesn't taste so bad. My hair is so thin anyway I can't afford to lose any more.
The pictures that I'm posting are from my trip, the one with the little girls is my two nieces from Chicago(sorry the picture is sideways), Kit is sitting on my lap and Lily is standing next to me, and the other is of Fionn, Kit's little brother, and then the one of George, me, Jen and Dan. Sorry that this is so long.

1 comment:

Michelle and Jack said...

Glad we got to see you...and that you got SO much done.