Monday, December 28, 2009

Jen and Dan's visit

Where did the time go. It seems like they just got here and they left today. It was sure great having them here. They got a lot accomplished while here. They painted the front bedroom and laid vinyl floor tile down. Dan also fixed any holes in the walls and re-textured where he patched. They also did the hall bathroom. We painted the vanity cabinet, put in a new toilet,towel bars, and moved the toilet paper holder to a different wall. Dan repaired holes in the bathroom too. Since we decided to put in a new toilet we used the same floor tiles from the bedroom for the bathroom. We also put in a new light fixture over the mirror. It is so bright in there now. The rooms look so nice now. I still need to get new baseboard for both rooms but I think I can put that down with no problems.
Here are a few pictures from Christmas.

You can probably make out who the pictures are of. The one is from Connor's baptism, there is one of Kennedy and Karson giving Connor a bottle, and the rest is of our family. Hope you enjoy them.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Almost Christmas

Well here it is almost Christmas. Next week at this time it will all be over. Connor will be 3 months old on Christmas Day. He is getting so cute. He coos and talks to you. He holds his head up pretty well. I get to watch him several times a week while Amber and Scott are at work.
Jennifer and Dan get here this coming Wednesday. They can't wait to meet their nephew. We are going to have him on Christmas Eve and are going to take him to the Christmas Eve service. While Jen and Dan are here they are going to paint the bathroom, put down floor tile in the spare room and also paint it. I have already pulled the carpet and have the floor prepared for them.
Took George to the neurologist this week. He said that his muscle tone was fine. He has changed the dose of the steroid to one tablet a day and will see how he does. His mental problems haven't changed and the psychiatrist can't give any answers as to why he does the things that he does. Most days he sits around in his underwear, he refuses to put on his robe, or he stays in bed all day. He won't even fix himself something to eat. I have to pour his cereal and leave it on the counter for him to add the milk when he gets up to take his pills, I then will make him peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and leave them in the fridge for lunch along with a coke or water with crystal lite in it, he won't even microwave himself a TV dinner. The only thing the doctor said was that we might have to consider putting him in a nursing home. I would think the mental health facility would be better but we will wait and see.
Here are a couple new pictures of Connor from the other day. Hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!