Happy Birthday Connor!
Can't believe it has been a year already. Time sure flies. He has 5 teeth and the sixth is almost through. He has two on the bottom and the rest on top. He is starting to take a few steps. The other day when Amber dropped him off with me he picked up the hula hoop and took three steps. Amber and I both saw him do it. Didn't get a picture of it though.
His party is at Chuck E Cheese and should be a lot of fun. There will be more adults than kids so we should be able to keep an eye on all the little kids.
The party was a blast. I think Connor had a blast too! I'm posting a few pictures from it. I have also put more on Facebook if any of you visit there.
I wish I knew what order they copied so I could put in captions. Connor didn't get to get messy with his cake, his daddy fed it to him.
The last pictures are of the kids, Amber, Hollie and Kennedy in one pic. Jeremy riding the Hee Haw(that's what he calls horses) and baby Kayden. They all had a blast and I don't know why I didn't get a picture of Karson, but I know he had fun.