Monday, September 14, 2009

New Adventures

Since my last entry a lot has happened. Jen and Dan came down the end of August and surprised us. They had told us that they were taking a trip to Vegas before they moved down to Illinois. They had mile tickets that had to be used. They showed up at my nieces on the 21st of Aug. It was a very nice surprise. They were staying until Monday. Everyone knew but us, my sister even planned a BBQ for that Sunday. Everything was going fine until Sunday evening, George has been having problems with weakness in his legs and it got really bad on Sunday. When we left my sisters we took him straight to the hospital. With all the tests that they took they decided that he has dermatomyositis. He had had a rash on his face and the weakness in his legs was all tied together. They took a muscle biopsy while he was there. They started him on steriods and things picked up. He is doing much better and getting around without a walker. Jen and Dan changed their plans and stayed until Wednesday. That was a big help. Now on to some better stuff. There was a baby shower for Amber on the 29th and she got a lot of neat stuff for Connor. It was a fun time. Denise's little one Jeremy started walking. He is so cute. I have taken video of him and will try to post it here. Also we became a three dog family again. I know I'm crazy, but I love dogs. We went to the pound and they had the cutest little black lab mix. She has the same markings on her as one of the other dogs that we use to have. The other dogs are warming up to her and she is getting the handle of going out the doggie door. Hopefully the housebreaking won't be so bad. I went to Curves this past Saturday, I haven't been there for over two weeks. The owner took my measurements and said when I came in this week she would make me a copy of them. In the year that I have been going there the only measurement that I can recall is my waist and I lost about 20 inches there alone. When I get the other figures I'll put them in the next post. According to my scale yesterday I was at 190 lbs. that means I have lost a total of 247 lbs. WOO HOO!!! Now to try to find out about getting all this extra skin taken off. That's all for now.

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