Friday, October 5, 2007

Visit to the Dietitian

Hi to all, thanks for all your comments.
I went to the dietitian this morning. It was an interesting visit. First off Medicare has changed some of their policies. Anyone wanting the gastric bypass surgery and wanting Medicare to pay for it must be on a 3 month supervised diet. Apparently people were having it and really not ready to follow their new life changes. But that is not me, I am going through with this with a possitive attitude. It means that I will not be able to have the surgery until after the first of the year, but that's okay. In talking with the dietitian it is really just the diabetic diet than I am following but lower calories, I'm on 1600 calories a day, but reading the sample menus it seems like a lot of food. I have even been checking my blood sugar readings more often this last week and they have been the best readings for a while, not that they were ever really high. I ask Claudia to weigh me to see what I had lost because I've been dieting since I went in last week. I LOST 13 LBS. I know that a lot of that is water, but I figures maybe I had lost about 5 lbs. I thought her scale was wrong so when Judi and I left I went next door to the doctors office and asked if they would weigh me so I could compare readings. They were the same! I am hoping that after my visit in December which will be the third visit that they will go ahead and schedule all the other doctors that I have to see so the surgery can be scheduled early in January. I need to start exercising, walking. George and I went to Wal Mart yesterday and I finally found a pair of walking shoes that fit and that I can tie, so I'm gonna start out slow here on our street and work myself up and go to the mall to walk, I'm also gonna check out some chair exercise tapes that the church used last year. I'm gonna have someone take my picture soon so I can post it as a before picture. I appreciate everyone's good thoughts and support.

1 comment:

Aislinn said...

Hey Gram Terri~ I just got around to checking my emails and figuring out this blog thing. Boy am I out of the technology loop!! We wish you the best of luck, you are as always in our prayers. Just remember to keep the faith even when you feel down. When you feel like you're ready to chase some kids around I'm totally willing to loan you a few, for as long as you want!! HAHA!!
Lots of Love ~The Kings~